Bondi Baths: Sydney, Australia
You’ve probably seen photos of this one scattered across the internet — and for good reason. Although Bondi Bath is technically contained by concrete, it is fed by the natural waves of the Tasman Sea day in and day out. One word of warning: this pool also goes by the name “Iceberg Baths,” as its temperature often dips below 60 degrees. Brrr.
Barton Springs Pool: Austin, TX

18 feet deep, three acres wide and perpetually 68-70 degrees, Barton Springs is a large, fresh-water natural pool in Austin, Texas. The pool, which is fed from a network of underground springs year-round, is open to visitors May 1st through October 31st, from 5am to 10pm daily. There’s also a lifeguard on duty from 8am to 9pm, so you can feel safe to somersault, dive deep and swim freely!
Hot Springs National Park: Hot Springs, AR
Also known as The American Spa, these healing, thermal pools are a must-visit. The Hot Springs National Park was formed in order to protect these unique geothermal spring waters (it was previously a reservation). There are 47 springs throughout the park, averaging about 143 degrees. You might be wondering how you can actually bathe in these pools, since they’re so steamy! Don’t worry — the park has channeled the springs into an indoor bathhouse and spa, where you can enjoy all the thermal properties the springs have to offer.
Ik Kil Cenote: Chichen Itza, Mexico
This cenote (Spanish for “natural sinkhole”) is the result of a collapsed limestone bedrock which created one big, beautiful, blue hole in the ground. 130 feet deep and 85 feet below ground level, take your time as you wind down the carved-out steps — then feel free to dive right in.
Grotta della Poesia: Roca Vecchia, Italy
A past bathing spot of legendary muses, these limestone pools are as inspiring as they are gorgeous. The Grotta della Poesia (Caves of Poetry) are located quite far east on Adriatic coast of Apulia in Southern Italy, closest to the city of Lecce, making them quite the hidden discovery.
Las Grietas: Puerto Ayora, Ecuador
In Spanish, Las Grietas translates to creases or cracks. Get it? Take a swim in this natural earth fracture (which created these cool, blue waters) with no ocean in sight.
Sliding Rock: North Carolina, United States
Although not as crystal clear and aqua blue as the other options on this list, this pool is also a ride! Slip and slide your way down this smooth rock into the water below. Pay $30 for a day-trip to the local water park? No way. Just go here. A few side notes: be sure you know how to swim, and children under 7 should slide with an adult. Play safe!
Fairy Pools: Isle of Skye, Scotland
Located at the base of the Black Cuillins mountain range, and stemming from the River Brittle (in the Isles of Skye), the hike through the mountains is almost just as beautiful as the fairy pools themselves. If you’re brave enough, immerse yourself in these cold, magical pools … or just take in those breathtaking views.
Natural Pool: Noord, Aruba

Leave it to a volcanic rock formation to create this epically beautiful, tranquil body of water. Located on the coastline, let yourself be enchanted by the water that sprays over the rocks as tides from the coast crash in. Inaccessible by car, you’ll have to let your feet take you there.