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Margaritaville Ambassador of the Month: Andrew

What is your name?

What school do you go to?
The University of Texas at Austin 

What is your major?
Government with a minor in Communications

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I have been a Parrothead since birth. Even though I was raised in the piney woods of East Texas, a coastal-living lifestyle was fully integrated into our home.  My college entrance essay describing the environment, in which I grew up, is the story of how much the Margaritaville lifestyle played a part in my upbringing. Two years ago I attended my first Buffett concert at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion in Houston, and I got a “V” painted on my arm by the famous “Number People” at the tailgate party. Being included in this group of Super Buffett fans, at the best concert I have ever been to, was one of the most exciting events of my life to date.  My main interests revolve around education, politics, and giving back to my community. I cherish sharing good times with family and friends, traveling, and experiencing new environments.

How did you find out about Margaritaville University?
Just before I started my senior year of high school, my mother read that the Margaritaville University program was accepting applications for its first group of ambassadors.  I was devastated I would be unable to apply to the charter group. However, I never let go of my dream of vying for the opportunity to share my Parrothead lifestyle at UT.

Where is your Margaritaville?
Whether I am on campus, in my hometown, or traveling, I never leave Margaritaville.  It is a state of mind that transcends boundaries, and no matter what is going on, helps me to keep a relaxed perspective.

What is your favorite Jimmy Buffett song?
With an extensive catalog of impeccable songs, it is extremely difficult to choose just one favorite Buffet tune. Although, at this point in my life, when I look forward to obtaining my goals, I tend to reflect on the message told in Only Time Will Tell from Banana Wind.

What have you learned professionally from the College Ambassador Program?
Being a part of the Ambassador Program has allowed me to advance my professional development, in public speaking, problem solving, and refining my networking skills. I have also been given the opportunity to contribute to the blog on the Margaritaville website. I recommend this program as a great resource no matter what you are majoring in, or what career path you may choose.

Barefoot or Flip Flops?
When I’m not in loafers, I’m barefoot.

What would Jimmy Buffett do?
Buffett claims he’s never held a real job in his life. But, a person can’t build a mega-million-dollar empire without working. So with a reported net worth of over $560 million, Jimmy has earned the ability to do just about whatever he wants and I aspire to do the same.

If you could spend a day with Jimmy Buffett, what would you do?
Whatever he told me to do!

What is your first Margaritaville memory?
Margaritaville was such a part of my life growing up, that people who came to our house asked if the picture of Jimmy in our hallway was my father.  I am fairly certain that his music was the first sound I heard as it was played almost exclusively in our home and vehicle.  I remember singing along to every song in my car seat.  I took pride in knowing every lyric when I went to my first Buffet concert.  This, however, was not something the big guy sitting behind me was so impressed with…

When you aren’t jamming out to Jimmy Buffett, what are you listening to?
Attending college in the “Live Music Capital of the World,” Austin, Texas, has given me exposure to a multitude of genres.   I love attending music festivals like Austin City Limits and Lollapalooza, which feature just about every sound imaginable.  Although, I find myself always gravitating to the tropical sounds played by Jimmy Buffett and The Corral Reefer Band, I love to listen to about any kind of music.

Why is Margaritaville, and its values, something that needs to be shared?
The values surrounding Margaritaville’s laid-back lifestyle are basically what most of us were taught in kindergarten.  Be kind to others, mind your own business, and don’t worry about what others around you are doing; in other words, play nice.  Although you may not share the same philosophies as everyone around you, live and let live and do your best at whatever you choose to do. Buffett has gained the adoration of his audience that crosses over generational, ethnic, and economic boundaries. The diverse fan base, craving a “permanent vacation,” shows a desire by many to embrace all that life has to give, while making the best of any situation.