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Let’s Make: Apple Cider Sangria

Summer is over (sigh), but there are oh-so many reasons to love fall. Ease slowly out of your rose induced coma and into it’s natural successor: sangria! We’ve got two options, depending on your preference, both featuring fall-favorites such as apple and pear. Whether wine is red, white, or rose… they all work for us!

1 bottle white wine
2 cups apple cider
2 cups chopped apple
2 oz caramel vodka

Add apple to pitcher. Pour in apple cider and vodka. Add wine. Stir well and enjoy!

1 bottle red wine
2 cups apple cider
1 chopped apple
1 chopped pear
3 Cinnamon sticks

Add apple and pear to pitcher. Pour in apple cider and wine. Toss in cinnamon sticks. Stir well. Let sit overnight in fridge. Drink!